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Services and Sales.

Welcome to the business end of the web site! We offer a variety of services here at www.geoffhook.com currently they consist of:

Use of Images on This Site

People interested in being able to reference the images on this site and display them on other web pages should send mail to enquiries@geoffhook.com.

In most cases, if the usage is for educational, or other non-commercial, purposes it is our policy to grant permission without charge for artwork to be referenced, providing you first ask and you include the appropriate references. If the site is commercial, i.e. derives money from advertising or other means, a fee is payable.

The current schedule is as follows:

Home page cartoon:$30 Australian for up to one month
Pictures in the gallery:$15 Australian for up to one month
Pictures in the archive:$15 Australian for up to three months

Each additional month is $3.00 Australian, up to a maximum of $30.00 extra which will allow you to reference the cartoon as long as is practical.

Fees are payable in advance. As before, for further information send mail to enquiries@geoffhook.com.

Please note: we reserve the right to not make some artwork available, art-work must not be altered without specific permission, and, in all cases, appropriate acknowledgement is required on sites where art-work is displayed.

Sale of Existing Art-Work (copies or originals)

In many cases original art-work is still available (sadly, as it happens, some cartoons never survived the early printing processes they were exposed to). Copies of cartoons, and other black and white art-work, where the original is still available, can be purchased for $50.00 Australian (overseas clients, please add $6.00 for extra postage).

We also sell originals, but only to good homes! The price for an original is available on application and in both cases please send mail to enquiries@geoffhook.com saying which image you are interested in and we'll get back to you with an order form.